Northland Complete Counseling, Northland Complete, Complete Counseling, Northland counseling, Counseling in the northland, NCC, suicide, depression, anxiety, Davis Wellness, Mental Health, Therapy, Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Therapy, Therapist, Liberty Therapist, Liberty MO, Liberty Counseling, Family Counseling, Liberty Family Counseling, Norcon Family Counseling, Family Therapy, therapy, therapist, psychiatrist, psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, EMDR, Adolescent Counseling, child counselors, counselors, counselor, therapists, kid therapist, couples counseling, couples therapy, addictions counseling, addictions therapy, substance abuse, video game addiction, alcohol addiction, abuse, trauma, PTSD, Kearney MO, Kansas City MO therapist, Kansas City MO, Kansas City MO counselor, Kearney therapist, Kearney counselor, Smithville MO, Smithville therapist, Smithville counselor, Kansas City MO metro therapist, Kansas City MO metro counselor, Kansas City MO metro, KC MO therapist, KC MO counselor, KC MO, Blue Springs MO, Blue Springs MO therapist, Michael Davis, Heather Hawkins, Michelle Callahan, LPC, LCSW, Wellness, Liberty counselor, liberty therapist, individual counseling, individual therapy, MD, Independence MO, Independence MO therapist, Independence MO counselor, Independence MO counseling, psychologist, Liberty psychiatrist, Liberty area therapist, Liberty area counselor, EMDR trained, EMDR certified, EMDR therapist, EMDR counselor, EMDR counseling, EMDR therapy, Addictions counselor, Addictions therapy, mental health therapist, liberty mental health therapist, mental health counselor, liberty mental health counselor, Michael Davis LPC, Michael Davis Liberty MO, Heather Hawkins LPC, Heather Hawkins Liberty MO, Michelle Callahan LCSW, Michelle Callahan Liberty MO, mindfulness, CBT, DBT, DBT skills, I need help, anger, mood disorder, stress, anxiety, depression, I'm depressed, evening appointments, weekend appointments, therapy office open late, therapy appointments in evening, therapy on weekends, self help, coaching, teaching, training, guidance counselor, guidance,
Fees and Insurance
Our fee is $200 for the initial session and then $175 for all other sessions.​
Northland Complete Counseling REQUIRES you to have a credit card on file. This card will automatically be charged at each appointment for the amount due whether it is the session fee or for any late or no show fees. The reason for these late and no show fees are because our therapists have reserved the time specially for you and it is difficult to fill the slot if you cancel with less than 24 hours and impossible to fill if you no show.
Late Cancellation Policy
If you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice, the first (1st) time we will waive. Thereafter, the late cancel fee is $55. Your card on file will automatically be charged $55.​
No Show Policy
If you do not show AND do not cancel a scheduled appointment, the no show fee is $100. Card on file will automatically be charge $100.
Insurances we are in-network with*
Freedom Network
United HealthCare
Some notable insurances we are out-of-network with
*Except Sarah Edelman-Dolman, who is out-of-network with Tricare.
Davis Wellness, Mental Health, Therapy, Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Therapy, Therapist, Liberty Therapist, Liberty MO, Liberty Counseling, Family Counseling, Liberty Family Counseling, Norcon Family Counseling, Family Therapy, therapy, therapist, psychiatrist, psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, EMDR, Adolescent Counseling, child counselors, counselors, counselor, therapists, kid therapist, couples counseling, couples therapy, addictions counseling, addictions therapy, substance abuse, video game addiction, alcohol addiction, abuse, trauma, PTSD, Kearney MO, Kansas City MO therapist, Kansas City MO, Kansas City MO counselor, Kearney therapist, Kearney counselor, Smithville MO, Smithville therapist, Smithville counselor, Kansas City MO metro therapist, Kansas City MO metro counselor, Kansas City MO metro, KC MO therapist, KC MO counselor, KC MO, Blue Springs MO, Blue Springs MO therapist, Michael Davis, Heather Hawkins, Michelle Callahan, LPC, LCSW, Wellness, Liberty counselor, liberty therapist, individual counseling, individual therapy, MD, Independence MO, Independence MO therapist, Independence MO counselor, Independence MO counseling, psychologist, Liberty psychiatrist, Liberty area therapist, Liberty area counselor, EMDR trained, EMDR certified, EMDR therapist, EMDR counselor, EMDR counseling, EMDR therapy, Addictions counselor, Addictions therapy, mental health therapist, liberty mental health therapist, mental health counselor, liberty mental health counselor, Michael Davis LPC, Michael Davis Liberty MO, Heather Hawkins LPC, Heather Hawkins Liberty MO, Michelle Callahan LCSW, Michelle Callahan Liberty MO, mindfulness, CBT, DBT, DBT skills, I need help, anger, mood disorder, stress, anxiety, depression, I'm depressed, evening appointments, weekend appointments, therapy office open late, therapy appointments in evening, therapy on weekends, self help, coaching, teaching, training, guidance counselor, guidance,
New Client
General Questions
Please call 816-379-3007 option 1
Phone Hours:​
Monday 9 AM - 12 PM
Tuesday 1 PM - 4 PM
Wednesday 12 PM - 3 PM
Thursday 12 PM - 3 PM
Email for quicker response: